Breaking Spades Read online

Page 4

  Happy she was able to make it this far into the house without being seen, she admired the two little bodies standing motionless in front of the gigantic television watching a cartoon of a singing flowerpot. One girl leaned against an ottoman with various play dishes on it, while the other held a ragdoll by one of its yarn pigtails. CeCe moved quietly down the two steps and crept closer to the two little girls before kneeling down so she could be eye level with them.

  “How are my favorite girls? Auntie has missed you so much!” The toddlers answered with screeches of surprise and squeals of delight. Quickly, she had her hands full of two bouncing and boisterous girls. “I can’t believe it, but you two just get more beautiful each time I see you. Give the rest of womankind a chance and slowdown, will you?”

  “Tell me about it. Dylan already has plans of putting bars on their windows and locks on their doors.”

  With a final squeeze to each precious little girl, CeCe stood up to squeeze her best friend, Natalie.

  With an equally strong grasp, Natalie engulfed her friend, wanting to confirm for herself CeCe was all right and unharmed.

  “I’m good, Natalie. Promise. Not a scratch, just my nerves got jumbled,” she hoped the physical contact would help her friend know that she was fine.

  Finally letting go, Natalie stepped back, but kept her hands on her friend’s arms, doing a final visual sweep.

  “So roses, huh? Not only every outgoing available man in Appleton, Hamden, and the rest of Carver County, but now the shy ones, too?” Natalie’s infectious smile touched all the way to her warm brown eyes behind her glasses where she enhanced her lighthearted banter with a wink.

  “What can I say, they just come out of the woodwork, and literally through glass doors, for a chance with me,” CeCe responded, with a cocky flip of her long chestnut hair.

  “Glad you can make jokes about your safety,” Dylan barked in his signature deep baritone voice.

  CeCe turned to see him take the last two steps down from upstairs and joined his family in the main living area. Within moments, each leg became an anchor to two giggling cherubs, obviously enjoying the walking pole game, also known as Daddy.

  And as quickly as the classic and intimidating Dylan made his presence known, he morphed into the playful, do anything for a smile from his girls Dylan. The two women watched as he made his way robotically around the room as a pair of little bodies held on until the belly laughs made doing so impossible. Soon the toddlers weren’t the only female laughter in the room.

  With his twin’s attention elsewhere, Dylan’s expression quickly changed to his I’m pissed look that’s been known to take down the toughest of opponents.

  “I don’t know what you are expecting to do with that expression, but you can stow it!” CeCe changed her stance, crossing her arms, and jutting out her hip, making it clear she was not going to be intimidated.

  Without any acknowledgement of her words, he walked toward her stopping only when he was right in front of her, just shy of breaking the personal space rule, “So tell me why I shouldn’t whip your ass for not calling me immediately?” Suddenly, the concept of personal space registered as unnecessary, and Dylan pressed his nose to CeCe’s. Keeping his voice low, so as not to alert his girls, he knew his point was effectively made.

  Oh Hell No! He will not intimidate her like this!

  “Well, I don’t think your wife would appreciate it, and I kind of enjoy sitting, thank you very much.

  “Just keep making jokes about this,” Dylan’s face changed, he stepped back, ran his hand through his hair, then placed both hands on his hips before continuing in a more conversational tone, “Obviously, this guy is watching you. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.”

  Knowing he was just trying to protect her, CeCe felt her façade begin to crack. Being sure to keep her tone low as well, she responded, “Do you think I don’t know that, and that it doesn’t creep me the hell out? What do you want me to do, hide? I have a life to live, and a business to run.” Glancing at the destruction of a suburb block, taking place ten feet away, CeCe turned back to Dylan and said, “I appreciate your concern, but I’m handling it, D, I got this.”

  Dylan’s fury boiled as he looked at the woman that had become an important part of his life, frustrated she just didn’t get it. So he thought he would clarify it for her.

  “Well, as of right now, your life involves you going upstairs and staying in one of the spare rooms. End of discussion,” He commanded. Then scoffed, “I got this, D. Yeah, right.”

  CeCe couldn’t help but gawk. Natalie apparently heard, or knew, his solution to this situation and joined them. CeCe looked from one to the other, and when nothing else was said, her only response was, “You cannot be serious.”

  “You bet your stubborn ass, I am!”

  “Dylan.” Natalie chose this moment to intervene, “She is an adult. As much as I want her safely here, under lock and key, has the situation really escalated to require such tactics? What if she agreed to consider it if anything else happens? Honestly, you can’t make her, Dylan, no matter how intimidating you think that cute adorable look of yours is.”

  CeCe was grateful for just how smart Natalie was. She knew how to manipulate her husband and just when to do it.

  Momentarily oblivious to CeCe’s presence, Dylan extended his long powerful arm out, snagging his wife around the waist and pulling where she willingly went. Looking into her eyes he whispered, “I hate it when you are right.”

  “I’m always right; remember that, and it shouldn’t be so hard to accept next time.” Natalie sassily answered, then went up on tiptoes and kissed her husband.

  When the two lovebirds didn’t come up for air a minute later, CeCe noticed the twins were watching their parents and giggling.

  “Okay, this is a family show, enough of that. Really!” Truth be told, she was jealous of the love Dylan and Natalie shared, but she knew that kind of love was not in the cards for her. For a chance at that kind of happiness, you have to be willing to let yourself be vulnerable, and that was one thing CeCe vowed she never would do. She was okay with that. Couldn’t get hurt that way.

  “It’s fine, D. They’re just flowers. No note, no malicious intent, just flowers. Idarraga said he would have an unmarked car in the parking lot for the next few days. You got the video feed up and running again. I’m sure he will get tired soon, and everything will go back to normal.”

  “Yeah, unless you continue to do stupid shit, like park in your usual spot—which just happens to be in a blind spot of the building’s cameras. Or take the same road, at the same time, every day.”

  Suddenly, it dawned on her, “Oh my God, you called the police! Seriously? Isn’t there a victim-police confidentiality rule?”

  “Not when you’re involved, there isn’t.” Dylan said, plain and simple.

  Knowing things were escalating to tempers blowing, Natalie suggested, “Dylan why don’t you take Cat and Ria up and put them to bed.”

  Looking to his wife and seeing the don’t argue with me look, Dylan conceded, “come on My Princesses, come give Mama and Auntie kisses, it’s time for bed.”

  When smooches and hugs were received happily and in excess, Dylan picked up each wiggling little girl in a strong arm and carried them upstairs, leaving Natalie and CeCe alone.

  “You know he’s just worried about you. I am too.” Natalie said as she scooped down and picked up a deserted stuffed animal.

  “I know, Nat, I promise I’m okay, I got this.”

  Staring down at the pink zebra, Natalie caressed its soft skin, lifting her blonde head she said, “If anything were to happen to you, I don’t know…”

  CeCe happily finishing the thought for her friend, with an ounce of cocky sass, “…what you would do without me, that is sweet.”

  “Well that, too, but I was going to say I don’t know what he would do. You have no idea what you mean to him. Give him a break when it comes to him wanting to protect you, please?” Nata
lie hoped her words expressed the importance of the sentiment.

  CeCe’s eyes opened wide in surprise. Natalie’s words touched her, and she knew they were from the heart. But rather than get mushy-gushy, she settled for, “I love you guys, I’m lucky to have you.” She hugged her friend—and for all intents and purposes, her sister—and knew she was truly blessed to have such a wonderful support system.

  With his precious daughters safely tucked into their cribs, Dylan left the nursery and went across the hall to the master bedroom. Pulling out his phone, he found the number he was looking for in his contacts and pressed send. The person on the other end answered with, “Yo.”

  “Yeah, it’s me. I get pretty pissed when I pay someone to do a job and they don’t do it. I’m paying you damn good money, asshole, time you start earning it.”

  “Ms. Cervetti, unfortunately, we have no new leads. Since the first incident four weeks ago, our guy has gotten bolder, but still remains three steps ahead of us. Either you have been under surveillance for months, or he is the luckiest SOB in Vermont,” the lieutenant explained through CeCe’s phone.

  CeCe held the phone to her ear and couldn’t help rolling her eyes. She was standing at the desk in her office, looking at two dozen long stem white roses, still in the florist box, that were left outside her store front prior to tonight’s closing. Before CeCe even made the call, she knew what Idarraga’s response would be: they were no closer to getting this guy than they were the first night. Since that night, a month ago, she has had flowers arrive at her work, her home, and on her car, regardless of where she parks. Both CeCe and Idarraga thought they were onto a lead last week when three single roses were left on her car, but when it came time to view the video feed, the view to CeCe’s car was obscured by the plaza’s landscaping truck. Idarraga questioned the landscaping company, but they knew nothing about the flowers, except that a worker saw a man in the area, wearing a black hoodie, carrying flowers. But the worker was unable to give any other helpful description, so they had squat. There were still no notes attached, and there hadn’t been any more breaking and entering. All the flowers were left in completely legal ways. CeCe was no longer scared, she was one hundred percent pissed off.

  “I’m really sorry, CeCe, but my hands are tied. There really isn’t anything else we can do other than remind you to be aware of your surroundings, continue with changing your routines, and of course, if anything is off, call 9-1-1 immediately.” Idarraga sounded as exasperated as CeCe felt, which didn’t make her feel any better.

  “Thanks, Lieutenant,” CeCe ended the call before adding, “for nothing.”

  She tossed her phone onto her desk next to the floral box, as Kelleigh popped her head in, “Cees, you want me to stick around?” Turning around, CeCe walked out to the store floor.

  “No. I’m good, go on home. I’m going to stay and work for a bit. I need to get my mind off these fucking roses. I swear to God, the next man that sends me roses I’m going to tell him to take the stems and shove them up his ass, thorns and all.”

  Kelleigh laughed, despite the circumstances. “You sure you don’t want me to stay and keep you company? I can unpack the shipment boxes we got in today.”

  Kelleigh was sweet, but honestly, CeCe just wanted to be by herself. “Thanks doll, but I’m good, really.”

  God, she was saying that a lot lately!

  CeCe walked Kelleigh to the door; locking it behind her and waiting to make sure she got safely into her car and drove off. She was half way to her office when she heard her cell ringing. Quickening her pace, she picked it up on the fourth ring.


  “Hey, beautiful. How does dinner at Giovanni’s sound?” Derrick asked.

  Oh shit! Derrick! Despite what most people thought of her, CeCe really wasn’t a bitch. She knew he was a nice guy, and she should be over the moon for him, but she just couldn’t wrap her brain around him long term, she didn’t do long term. And with this flower guy on the loose, Derrick made her feel even more suffocated. She knew this one was all on her; he was a good looking guy, loaded, treated her like a queen, and was decent in the sack, but there was just something about him.

  “Hey. Dinner? I’d love to, but I have a ton of shit to do at the store tonight. In fact, I’m keeping Kelleigh here late so we can get a jump on unloading shipments.” She squinted, clenching her teeth in a painful smile, hoping he wouldn’t see through her lie.

  Multiple heartbeats passed, but he finally responded, “Oh, okay. Perhaps tomorrow night?”

  You are COMPLETELY the bitch everyone accuses you of being!

  “Uh, well, uh…maybe. I don’t know. How about I call you tomorrow?”

  Again, after what felt like five minutes, his voice was quiet when he said, “Sure call me, beautiful. Anytime.”

  With a quick goodbye, she disconnected the call. Guilt set in, and she was just beginning to feel bad about it, when there was a loud knock at the store’s front door. CeCe would be lying if she didn’t jump at the sound, and looked around for a weapon before she realized a serial killer, or her deranged flower admirer, probably wouldn’t knock. She peeked her head out the door of her office and saw it was Dylan standing at the front door. Relief flooded her. She was halfway to the front door when she noticed someone else was with him, but this guy had his back to the door. All she could see was his military-short blonde hair, and his killer ass, perfectly displayed, in well-worn tight jeans.

  Pulling her eyes from the Grade-A ass, she looked at Dylan, facing her with his usual annoyed look. She reached the door and undid the lock, pushing the door open for Dylan and his friend. The humidity in the night air rushed in, warming her skin.

  CeCe backpedaled to get out of Dylan’s way as he stormed in. When he realized his company didn’t follow, he chided, “You coming, or you going to gaze at the stars?” CeCe heard her phone ringing and chose to run back and grab it, leaving Dylan and his friend to figure out how to enter a building.

  When she was in the privacy of her office, she noticed it was Derrick calling, again. She just couldn’t talk to him, so she declined the call. When she returned to Dylan and company, she stopped dead in her tracks. Standing there, looking at her with those clear blue eyes and the same I-have-no-emotion expression, was the man that wrecked her, all those years ago. Jarod Gates. He looked the same, but different. He was still tall and lean, but now he was tall, lean, and jacked. Even under his pale blue t-shirt she could easily see the definition of his pecs and abs. His arms were ripped, evidenced by the taut material of his shirtsleeves. She could see a tattoo, only partially visible below the hem of his shirtsleeve. He stood, casual enough, with his hands in his pockets, watching her. Their eyes met, and for a moment, she hoped something would come through, but there was nothing; it was as if she was looking at a photograph. Asshole!

  “Cees, you remember Jarod, I introduced you two, years ago. Jarod runs a private investigation and security company. I’ve hired him to figure out who this fucker is,” Dylan explained, not caring about the annoyance on CeCe’s face. “Honestly, I’m tired of waiting for the police to get their thumbs out of their asses.”

  What. The. Fuck???

  Do not get hysterical. Do not whip off a shoe and throw it at him, like you want to, with visions of the stiletto sticking in his eye.

  Be cool.

  Fuck that shit!

  “Well, you can just as quickly unhire him. I don’t need him.” Or want him anywhere near me.

  “Come again?” Dylan asked, straightening to his full height, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “You heard me. I am speaking fluent English, after all. When are you going to get it through your thick skull, I am not the naïve young girl you found in the bar that night. I can take care of myself and any somewhat problematic thing that comes my way.” Knowing Dylan responded to body language, CeCe shifted into her best I mean business stance, hoping the message would be adequately delivered.

  “We can have this argument
when the asshat is found and arrested. Until then, you will deal with this; I will not allow anything to happen to you.” Dylan broke the short distance between them, and in a steely, but quieter tone said, “Don’t fight me on this. You will lose.” Giving her forehead a quick peck, Dylan walked toward the door and said over his shoulder, “I’ll leave you two to discuss strategy,” and with that, he walked out the door.

  CeCe stared out after Dylan for several moments before turning back to the ocean blue gaze that had yet to waver from her. Even now, under that gaze, she could feel her cheeks redden.

  “Look I don’t know what he told you, or what he hired you for, but your services are not needed.”

  “He and I beg to differ.”

  “Good thing your opinion doesn’t matter. If I need a private investigator, I can hire my own. I’m working with the police department, and they are sufficient enough for me.”

  CeCe watched as Jarod’s gaze raked over her from head to toe, and back again, several times. His jaw twitched and he let out a breath she didn’t know he’d been holding.

  “Is this about him hiring someone without your input, or is this about him hiring me?”

  His voice hasn’t changed, or what it does to me. “What? I said I can take care of myself.”

  “From what I hear, you have an unwanted admirer and the cops are no closer to identifying him now than they were the first time he struck, over a month ago.” When her blush deepened, Jarod continued, “so, I will ask again, is this about Dylan not getting your approval, or is it about him bring me on board, Kitten?”